Far beyond the borders of our country, wine-lovers are familiar with wine from the Wachau. This list should help you find the right addresses. The best approach is to go directly to the winery and let the outstanding wine from the Wachau convince you of its high quality!
Some establishments rent rooms or apartments and so enable a holiday at a winery. Some also have a wine tavern included where you can drink the new wine. Opening times can be found in our Heurigenkalender (seasonal wine tavern calendar).
Vinea Wachau
The protection of the wine growing region of the Wachau has been handed over to the wine grower association “Vinea Wachau Nobilis Districtus”. In addition to the common Austrian quality categories, the Vinea Wachau wine growers use the protected trademarks “Steinfeder®”, “Federspiel®” and “Smaragd®”.
More information about the association, its members as well as the wine tavern App Heurigen-App myWachau can be found at